The Aftermath/Moving On
The severe operations disruption caused by the Dundee Energy "asset sale" which "blindsided" some of their subsidiary's management according to some reports, was first felt early in 2016 with invoices that didn't get paid for many months, if ever, continued with bankruptcy court starting mid-August 2017, and ended with the assets sold to Lagasco in mid-November 2018. SingleChips suspended operations end of September 2017, as its owner/president/janitor/bookkeeper/etc., decided to get out of the commerce game. This resulted in the January, 2018 founding of the Private Society SCi.RS, SingleChips International Research Society, based in Kalamata, Greece. All this simply means that the developed and field-proven technology that used to be supplied by SingleChips will, in the future, be made available only to or through SCi.RS members. The "bankruptcy" sure killed the cash flow for almost 2 years but it didn't kill development, what it really did is, it rendered all of Dundee's offshore electronic equipment obsolete and potentially gave such equipment, at best the value of spare parts, and at worst the value of scrap. So whatever options Lagasco has can only come through XYZ, some version of which will be formed soon if there is interest.
The equipment was designed and proven in the field over a 25 year period starting in 1994, so here are both the bland PDL/CDi History v1.0 and the spicy PDL/CDi History v2.0 versions of the same history. The equipment implements the functionality requirements as outlined in an August, 2000 gas production optimization paper written by Dan Sparkes. Extremely low power consumption rates have been achieved, active battery life is approaching battery shelf life, all calibration is now obsolete, most routine maintenance is eliminated by using state-of-the-art digital pressure transmitters supplied by Keller in Switzerland, and because of the new assembly method *6Z the boards are now potted for life, "life" meaning at least twenty years. The extremely low power consumption rates are due to interval-based recording and switching, the controllers are "asleep" most of the time, sleep current across all devices is around 5μA or 0.000005A. The technical roadmap is an outline of where the equipment has come from and where it is going. The CDi3 machine class not only survived the legal mumbo-jumbo, the "Corvette" evolved into the "Ferrari" because of the legal mumbo-jumbo. So the CDi3 class now exists in two classifications: 1) Primary/Ferrari, meant only for group intermitters AKA programmable chokes for groups of wells and 2) Secondary/Corvette, meant for simple flow meters, plunger lifts with or without plungers, and backup switchers. As such, there are three distinct price levels, 1) Secondary Flow Meter, 2) Secondary Switcher, and 3) Primary Switcher. |
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Pièces de Résistance 2019
"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete." - Buckminster Fuller
With all the "better use up your vacation days now" chatter, end of 2015, and the "bank..." word heard around Port Maitland as early as May 2016, everyone was, in reality, "blindsided" it didn't happen a year earlier. In fact, some of us were "blindsided" it didn't happen the day after the PortD office was taken out in July, 2014, which of course was coincident more or less with uncle Ned's departure. Blindsided or not, the alarm to finish this whole thing properly was impossible to miss. So the first of the two boards designed in early 2016, the CDi3.P7, was actually manufactured and subsequently built sometime in 2017, under severe conditions as the CINTOs, Clueless IN TOronto, were up to 9 months in arrears with their payments. Under similar conditions two original P7MAIN boards were modified and subsequently installed in Morpeth in early October, 2016 as CDi3.FTe plunger lifts, these were the first digital Corvettes. Then the ZDL.FTe switcher, the first digital Chevette, was finished and installed in June, 2017 and the code to deal with the new RTC family, the DS1553/DS1554 which have a very different register set than the DS1386, was actually completed by fall, 2018. A little later, assembly method *6Z was also completed. Both new boards make possible the Ferrari controller which can run at up to 33MHz, in other words, it can run at up to four times as fast as the Corvette, realizing a maximum baud rate of 460,800 bits per second. For backward-compatibility reasons the Ferrari controllers are throttled-back to 7.32MHz in this application. All of the above simply enable the building of some very robust, long-term recording and production optimization machinery for use at the bottom of lake Erie, masterpieces all of them. The Chevette, machine class CDi1 devices are mentioned here even though they are not expected to see active duty on lake bottom again. Still in use today after introduction sometime in 1995, they broke their own records many times. Who knows, we might find some use for them on land, if not, some of us are likely to have some of the finest tomato garden watering things ever created... so until further notice the CDi1.FTe.*6Z Simple Flow Meter/Switching Controller is not available, digital capability by all devices in this section is implied. Story continues at XYZ's interim website... |
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