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Welcome to the SingleChips International Research Society, SCi.RS, website. The Society does not engage in commerce so there is nothing here for sale, however, the Society
may choose to support current and/or future startups by providing some free of charge webspace. Examples are the XYZ space at the green shamrock icon below, and the Picus
space at the green maple leaf icon. It may soon be time It is time to batten down the hatches so this might entertain you while visiting: Never, ever, click this link...
Projects, upcoming work, Internet of Things, IOT example 2-device dashboard, IOT internet plunger lift, IOT support (SCi.RS founders only)
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Online flowcalc
>>>----- The Danster ----->>>
>>>>>>---------------------- Franko Tanko ------------------------->>>>>>
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Copyright © 1991-2024 AdamG Last Update: Sunday, December 15, 2024 8:26:12 PM
CDi Boards DevelopmentSoftware, Freeware and UtilitiesModem Parts (900 MHz)RF Parts (900 MHz)PDL5 PartsP5, P7 ChargerSupplies/Potting/FittingsIciss Corrosion DataloggerSolar PartsKeller Digital Transducers/TransmittersPictures of Burkert Solenoid ModificationsBoard Assembly PicturesPictures of Differential Cylinder RepairsPictures of Keller Transmitter AssemblyPictures of 900 MHz Tests and InstallationsPictures of LF ExperimentsPictures of Cutting Vinyl/PaintingLake Erie RescueHistory Version 1.0: Pembina Lake Erie DataloggerPDL/CDi History Version 1.0: PDL1 to PDL4 DataloggerPDL/CDi History Version 1.0: ZDL5 SwitcherPDL/CDi History Version 1.0: CDi3.RMe SwitcherPDL/CDi Historyv: 900 MHz RF LinkPDL/CDi History Version 1.0: P7 SwitcherPDL/CDi History Version 1.0: P5 SwitcherPDL/CDi History Version 1.0: CDi2/PDL6, the PDL that Wasn'tPDL/CDi History Version 1.0: PDL5PDL/CDi History Version 1.0: CDi99 Libby Flow MeterRIP PembinaDataLogger, 1996-2020, P4/P5 EvolutionInternet Enabled, Tomato Garden Watering ThingThe PDL is Dead, Long Live the ZDL!!IoT - Internet of Things DashboardOffshore Solar Charger/900Mhz ModemCDi4 Flow Meter, Keller CommunicatorNuovoPicus Wi-Fi IOT ModuleInterfacing the I2C 4-9 LD seriesWeb App Flow CalculatorCDi.P5.Sw Submersible Natural Gas Flowmeter and IntermitterCDi.P5.FTe Submersible Natural Gas FlowmeterZDL5 Submersible Gas Field ControllerCDiComm, Visual Operational, Communications and Charting Functionality Software.Long Range RF Link (900MHz)CDi3.FTe/RMe Submersible Gas Field Controller