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CDi3.FTe Submersible, Universal Gas-Field Controller
Keller Digital Pressure Transducers/Transmitters
Burkert Solenoid Modifications
PDL/CDi History: Pembina Lake Erie Datalogger
LD Series Pressure Transmitters
CDi.P5.FTe Submersible Natural Gas Flowmeter
Long Range RF Link (900MHz)
CDiComm Remote Monitoring and Control Software
CDi.P5.Sw Submersible Natural Gas Flowmeter and Intermitter
CDi3.FTe Submersible, Universal, Gas Field Controller
ZDL5 Simple Submersible Flowmeter
CDiComm Remote Monitoring and Control Software
CDiComm Remote Monitoring and Control Software
    Indefinitely shelved, not for sale. Locked and put away at LoggerLand5, partial unlock code is "neena". Additional information above what is shown here is only available to SCiRS members. Adam, 2018/Jan/05.

  • CDiComm, formerly Switcher, is a visually interfaced operational, communications and charting functionality software for serial devices connected to the local computer through a cable, or across the internet through an Ethernet TCP/IP to serial bridge.
  • Supports up to 256 serial physical or virtual ports, COM1 to COM256, and "on the fly" switching between ports and baud rates.
  • Current version is CDiComm v1.0.0, all previous versions of Switcher obsolete and unsupported.

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Copyright © 1991-2025 AdamG Last Update: Tuesday, February 25, 2020 12:55:09 PM