Keller LD
Interfacing the Keller I2C LD series transmitters
Code: #include "9ld.h" #include "i2c.h" float Pmin, Pmax; unsigned char ZSSCget[5]; //array to receive data frame BYTE get_PnT_GPIO(BYTE ADDR, BYTE MODE); BYTE ld_busy(BYTE ADDR); //CODE********************************************************************** BYTE get_PnT_GPIO(BYTE ADDR, BYTE MODE) { float ZI_pressure; //single float (IEEE 754) in bar float ZI_temperature; //single float (IEEE 754) in degC BYTE ZI_status=0; //8 bit status variable union { FL floatingpoint; UL twotimesU16; } cast; BYTE ZSSCerror; if (MODE) { //Only have to read Pmin and Pmax once, every power up, //the code here can be used to emulate function 48 of the //Keller protocol used in the 33X RS485 transmitters... //Function 48: Initialize and Release //Read Pmin from 16bit locations 0x13 (MSB) and 0x14 (LSB) //Cast into 32bit (IEEE 754) single float WriteI2CAddressed(ADDR, 0x13); while (ld_busy(ADDR)) wait; //poll ~9mS ReadI2CAddressed(ADDR, (char*)ZSSCget,3); cast.twotimesU16 = (((UL)(ZSSCget[1]))<<24) + (((UL)(ZSSCget[2]))<<16); WriteI2CAddressed(ADDR, 0x14); while (ld_busy(ADDR)) wait; //poll ~9mS ReadI2CAddressed(ADDR, (char*)ZSSCget,3); cast.twotimesU16 += (((UL)(ZSSCget[1]))<<8) + ((UL)(ZSSCget[2])); Pmin=cast.floatingpoint; //Read Pmax from 16bit locations 0x15 (MSB) and 0x16 (LSB) //Cast into 32bit (IEEE 754) single float WriteI2CAddressed(ADDR, 0x15); while (ld_busy(ADDR)) wait; //poll ~9mS ReadI2CAddressed(ADDR, (char*)ZSSCget,3); cast.twotimesU16 = (((UL)(ZSSCget[1]))<<24) + (((UL)(ZSSCget[2]))<<16); WriteI2CAddressed(ADDR, 0x16); while (ld_busy(ADDR)) wait; //poll ~9mS ReadI2CAddressed(ADDR, (char*)ZSSCget,3); cast.twotimesU16 += (((UL)(ZSSCget[1]))<<8) + ((UL)(ZSSCget[2])); Pmax=cast.floatingpoint; } WriteI2CAddressed(ADDR, 0xAC); //request new conversion while (ld_busy(ADDR)) wait; //poll ~9mS ReadI2CAddressed(ADDR, (char*)ZSSCget,5); //read results (5 bytes) //interpret ZI_status = ZSSCget[0]; //status ZI_pressure = (float) ( (((US) (ZSSCget[1]))<<8) + (US) (ZSSCget[2]) ); //P[U16] ZI_temperature = (float) ( (((US) (ZSSCget[3]))<<8) + (US) (ZSSCget[4]) ); //T[U16] ZI_pressure = (ZI_pressure-16384) * (Pmax-Pmin)/32768+Pmin; //P[bar] ZI_temperature = (((((US)ZI_temperature)>>4)-24)*0.05)-50; //T[C] chs[1].result = (ZI_pressure-Pmin)*14.5; //Convert bar to psi chs[4].result= (ZI_temperature * 9/5)+32.0F; //Convert degC to degF return ZSSCerror; } BYTE ld_busy(BYTE ADDR) { BYTE st; BYTE ts[3]; ReadI2CAddressed(ADDR, (char*)ts, 1); //read the status byte st = ts[0] & 0x20; //bit 5, 1=busy if (st) return 1; return 0; } |
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