Lake Erie Tech Roadmap
The PDL/CDi Hall of Fame has been forever closed since 2002, see "Contributions" here. The new way of acknowledging individuals who helped advance the cause, the cause being excellence in measuring things and controlling things at the bottom of lake Erie, is to simply add an individual's initials or nickname to the name of the product. So "RMe" means measuring differential pressure using a Keller digital differential transmitter, field-proven the last couple of years, affectionately named after our very own Ross M. for wanting a line controller for frequently loading well 224A way back in 2004, and for supporting all things "switching". "FTe" means measuring differential pressure using a reinforced solenoid, "Plan B", affectionately named after our very own Franko Tanko for showing up early in 2006 and supporting development of plunger lifts and gas lifts and switchers in general. A new board is needed to accommodate the new DS1553/DS1554 RTC, because the CP82C54 timer is no longer necessary, and because the ADC MAX135 is being replaced by the NAU7802. Since there is no longer much similarity of these new units with the "PDL", "Px" designations will be dropped in favor of the "CDix" ones. All of this means there will be four units shortly: CDi3.RMe and CDi3.FTe which will take care of lake Erie needs for the foreseeable future plus two more, industrial versions, just in case the CDi escapes outside of the immediate lake Erie vicinity. These two will be designated CDi4.RMe and CDi4.FTe. The new boards should be available by April, 2016 and when this becomes fact, I can finally call this project "FINISHED". Spring 2016. Adam Now that the ZDL5 has been proven in the field, I can, finally, call this project FINISHED. But you know, when I called this document "The lake Erie tech roadmap" I didn't actually expect to ever have to use road signs in it. Adam, Aug. 29th, 2017. R&D shelved indefinitely, nothing here for sale, try Walmart. Locked and put away at LoggerLand5, partial unlock code is "neena". Adam, 2017/10/28 Click to download power consumption spreadsheet for all current devices. |
<-- The Past
<-- The Present -->
The Future -->
Stone Age
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<-- Analog Pressure Metrology, Calibration Required, ZDL5 the only exception
Digital Pressure Metrology, Calibration Not Required --> | |||||||
<-- Battery Chemistry: Lead-Acid
Battery Chemistry: NiMH --> | |||||||
<-- Remote Communications: No
Remote Communications: Yes --> | |||||||
1996-1998 Soft: RTMS |
Yet to be born...
Program ROM
32Kx8, AT28C256
64Kx8, GLS29EE512-70-4C
64Kx8, GLS29EE512-70-4I
2 UARTs in Z8S180 CPU chip
MAX485, RS485
MAX485E, RS485
Baud Rate
Board "ON" Time
11 Secs
9 Secs
6 Secs
6 Secs
Pressure TRs "ON" time
9 Secs
8 Secs
6 Secs
<1 Sec
6 Secs
<1 Sec
<1 Sec
8 Analog
3 Keller Digital
8 Analog
8 Analog + 8 Digital
Up to 128, Keller Digital
10AHr, Lead-Acid
1.1AHr, Lead-Acid
RTC: Real Time Clock
Not Applicable
ADC: A/D Converter
+-15-bit, MAX135
+-23-bit, NAU7802
1MBx8, 2x AS6C4008-55PCN
2MBx8, 4x AS6C4008-55PIN
Storage Format
16-bit integers
32-bit integers
0C to +70C
-40C to +85C
Copyright © 1991-2025 AdamG
Last Update: |